7 Myths of Work from Home

Because of the coronavirus crisis, remote work is normal for a huge number of individuals, and most of us are adjusting.

However, many unpleasant stereotypes about what occurs when people work from home have remained. Working from home appears to be the best option, right? Obviously, all of us had feelings.  And no one can deny that getting out of the corporate desk has its advantages.

However, there are enough myths about the rising remote workforce that it is appropriate to clarify a few of the most frequent ones.

Why work remotely?

Working from home is becoming an increasingly popular and valued advantage in modern businesses, and it’s easy to see why. The benefits of not having to commute are evident to employees, but companies perceive them as well: Overhead expenditures are reduced if you do not have to offer desk space and equipment for your employees, and you will never be late due to traffic or transit concerns.

But how can virtual employees be held accountable if they aren’t visible in the office?

Will their supervisors consider them “out of sight, out of mind”?

What’s the reachability during normal business hours?

Would they not be distracted by their personal commitments at home?

Whether you work from home yourself or manage others who do, it’s critical to separate fact from fiction. When it comes to remote-work habits and practices many myths need debunking.

So, here are seven of the biggest myths about Working from home.

1.     Less Productive: People typically imagine remote employees watching TV or doing home tasks instead of working, but this is not the case. Various studies have shown that people are more productive when they work from home. Also, people working from home value company more than working at offices. Usually, they are more accountable while working from their respective places.

2.     Less Earning: The fact that employment and places are no longer linked does not imply that remote employees get paid less. Reinforcing this manner of working helps to level the playing field in terms of career growth and pay equity. Because of the nature of remote work, your worth and income are related to outcome-based KPIs and performance rather than your location. Moreover it also depend on how “noticeable” you are in the office.

3.     Can’t Connect with Co-Workers: Working from home may appear to be a lonely endeavor, with minimal human connection during the day. However, much like office workers, remote workers frequently connect over virtual meetings, and some firms even provide virtual social events for distant workers.

4.     Remote Work is a Scam: One of the most popular misconceptions about remote work is that it is all a scam or that it is only accessible for extremely entry-level, particular occupations. The fact is that valid work-from-home opportunities exist in a wide range of areas and at all levels of experience.

5.     No Accountability: It’s a widespread myth that remote employees lack responsibility and that there’s no way to tell if they’re doing their task. However, just because employers can’t see a remote employee doesn’t signify, they aren’t working. In addition, if a corporation is effective in objectively assessing goals and accomplishments, it should place a greater emphasis on outcomes rather than physical presence.

6.     Unsafe Data: Many individuals are concerned that putting corporate gadgets, information, and data on home networks may result in massive cybersecurity incidents. Fortunately, this wasn’t the case. To keep data safe, IT workers throughout the world have used a number of safe and effective ways.

7.     Technical Support & Office Equipment: A typical misunderstanding about remote work is that employees require more technical assistance and are thus more expensive. Apart from all the technical support employees complain about the major needs of office equipment, Kraft-Obench has brought up the solution for employees who need furniture and a proper setup to be more productive.We bring you our wide array of work pods, home office enclosures and acoustic pods.Do check out our Site for more info

Summing Up

Many misunderstandings about working from home have existed in the past, but as business demands change, these beliefs are dispelling. Remote work is here to stay, and millions of individuals all over the world enjoy and support this form of work flexibility.

When one is unsure if working from home will be a temporary or permanent move, things might be really important.Is this information helpful?

If yes, visit https://kraft-obench.com for more of such blogs, tips, trends and innovative work from home and office work pods solutions. Also, let us know your views about the same.

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Why Professional Voice Talents in India Need a Dedicated Vocal Booth?

In the world of voice acting, audio quality is everything. Whether you’re recording voiceovers for commercials, audiobooks, or dubbing projects, a clear, noise-free recording is essential for delivering a professional and compelling performance. Unfortunately, traditional home studios or untreated rooms often fall short in providing the optimal acoustic environment required for high-quality vocal recordings. This is where a dedicated acoustic sound proof vocal booth becomes an invaluable investment for professional voice talents in India. The Challenges of Untreated Recording Spaces Recording in a standard room can introduce a variety of audio issues that can compromise the quality of your vocals. Ambient noise from outside traffic, household appliances, or even the hum of electronic devices can seep into your recordings, creating distracting background noise. Additionally, untreated rooms can suffer from echo, reverberation, and acoustic anomalies that can muddy the clarity of your voice. The Benefits of a Dedicated Vocal Booth A well-designed acoustic sound proof vocal booth addresses these challenges head-on, providing a controlled and isolated environment tailored specifically for vocal recording. Here are some of the key benefits that a dedicated vocal booth offers professional voice talents in India: Choosing the Right Vocal Booth for Your Needs When selecting a vocal booth, it’s essential to consider factors such as size, acoustic treatment materials, ventilation, and overall build quality. We are at Kraft-Obench provide a range of options to suit different budgets and space requirements. Contact us now to know more about the Vocal booth, Vocal Pod, Acoustic Pod. For professional voice talents in India, a dedicated vocal booth is not just a luxury; it’s a crucial tool for delivering exceptional audio quality and maintaining a competitive edge in the industry. By investing in a well-designed acoustic sound proof vocal booth, you can elevate your recordings, impress clients, and ensure that your voice truly shines through in every project.

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Privacy and Collaboration: Finding the Perfect Balance with Office Phone Booths and Meeting Pods

In modern open-plan offices, striking the right balance between privacy and collaboration can be a delicate dance. While open workspaces foster collaboration and communication, they often lack dedicated spaces for focused work, confidential conversations, and private meetings. This is where office phone booths and meeting pods come into play, providing the perfect solution for maintaining both privacy and collaboration within the same workspace. The Need for Privacy in Open-Plan Offices: Open-plan offices have become increasingly popular due to their promotion of teamwork and knowledge sharing. However, they can also present challenges, such as noise distractions, lack of privacy for sensitive discussions, and limited spaces for focused work. These factors can negatively impact productivity, confidentiality, and overall employee well-being. Office Phone Booths: A Haven for Private Calls and Focused Work Office phone booths are compact, soundproof enclosures designed to provide a quiet and private space for phone calls, video conferences, and focused work. These booths offer acoustic insulation, ensuring conversations remain confidential and minimizing distractions from the surrounding office environment. Meeting Pods: Enabling Private Discussions and Collaboration Meeting pods are larger, enclosed spaces that can accommodate small groups for private meetings, brainstorming sessions, or collaborative work. These pods provide the necessary privacy and acoustic isolation for team discussions, while still fostering a collaborative atmosphere within the open workspace. Benefits of Incorporating Phone Booths and Meeting Pods: Improved Productivity: By offering dedicated spaces for focused work and private conversations, phone booths and meeting pods can significantly enhance productivity and minimize distractions. Increased Privacy and Confidentiality: These enclosed spaces ensure sensitive information and discussions remain private, protecting confidentiality and fostering trust among employees. Balanced Workspace: By seamlessly integrating phone booths and meeting pods into the open-plan design, companies can achieve the perfect balance between privacy and collaboration, catering to diverse workspace needs. At kraft-obench.com, we offer a wide range of office phone booths and meeting pods designed to complement your open-plan office layout. Explore our collection and create a balanced workspace that supports both privacy and collaboration, empowering your team to thrive.

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Modular Office Pods: The Future of Flexible Workspace Design

In today’s ever-changing business landscape, adaptability and flexibility are key to creating dynamic and productive workspaces. Modular office pods have emerged as a innovative solution, offering a versatile and scalable approach to office design. These self-contained units can be easily reconfigured, relocated, and combined to meet evolving workspace needs, making them a game-changer for companies seeking agility and efficiency. What Are Modular Office Pods? Modular office pods are prefabricated, self-contained spaces that can be used for various purposes, such as private offices, meeting rooms, phone booths, or collaborative workspaces. Their modular design allows for easy installation, reconfiguration, and relocation, providing flexibility to adapt to changing workspace requirements. Benefits of Modular Office Pods: Flexibility and Scalability: Modular office pods can be easily added, removed, or rearranged to accommodate evolving team sizes, workspace needs, and business growth. Cost-Effective: Compared to traditional construction methods, modular pods are often more cost-effective and require minimal disruption during installation or reconfiguration. Customization: Many modular office pod providers offer customization options, allowing companies to tailor the pods to their specific branding, design preferences, and functional requirements. Applications of Modular Office Pods: Private Offices: Modular pods can create private, enclosed workspaces for focused work and confidential conversations. Meeting Rooms: Dedicated pods can serve as meeting rooms, fostering collaboration and privacy for team discussions. Phone Booths: Soundproof phone booths provide a quiet space for private calls and video conferences. Collaborative Workspaces: Larger modular pods can be configured as open, collaborative workspaces for team projects and brainstorming sessions. At kraft-obench.com, we offer a wide range of modular office pods designed for maximum flexibility and adaptability. Our pods can be easily reconfigured, relocated, and combined to meet the dynamic needs of your workspace. Explore our collection and discover the future of flexible office design.

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The Ultimate Guide to Soundproof Office Pods

In today’s open-plan offices, maintaining privacy and minimizing distractions can be challenging. This is where soundproof office pods come into play, offering a dedicated space for focused work, confidential conversations, and small meetings.  These innovative solutions have become increasingly popular in recent years, promising to boost productivity and enhance workplace privacy. What Are Soundproof Office Pods? Soundproof office pods are self-contained, enclosed spaces designed to provide acoustic insulation and privacy within an open office environment. These pods typically feature sound-absorbing materials, such as high-density foam and acoustically treated walls, ensuring minimal noise transfer between the pod and the surrounding area. Benefits of Soundproof Office Pods: Improved Productivity: By reducing external noise and distractions, soundproof office pods create an ideal environment for focused work, leading to increased productivity and better task completion. Enhanced Privacy: Whether it’s a confidential call, a sensitive discussion, or a private meeting, these pods offer the privacy and discretion required for such activities. Versatility: Soundproof office pods can serve multiple purposes, from individual workstations to small meeting spaces, making them a versatile solution for various office needs. Features to Look for in Soundproof Office Pods: Acoustic Performance: Look for pods with high sound transmission class (STC) ratings, indicating superior noise reduction capabilities. Ventilation and Climate Control: Ensure the pod has adequate ventilation and, if necessary, climate control features for a comfortable working environment. Customization Options: Consider pods that offer customization options, such as different sizes, finishes, and configurations, to suit your specific needs. Ease of Installation and Mobility: Modular and portable designs can make installation and relocation simpler, providing flexibility for evolving workspace requirements. At kraft-obench.com, we offer a wide range of soundproof office pods, meeting pods, and office phone booths designed to enhance productivity and privacy in your workspace. Explore our collection and find the perfect solution for your office needs.

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Remote Work and Its effect on climate change

The Covid-19 pandemic has sparked the biggest telecommuting “experiment” in history, accelerating the long-term trend toward flexible telecommuting and digitalization. During the peak of the pandemic, the number of people working from home in the US alone rose from 5% to 37%. Now that we get rid of the crisis, the company is trying different long working methods. Recent studies show that 91% of long employees want to continue their hybrid or long work, while 76 % of employees say their employers will allow them to work outwardly. With daily trips effectively canceled during successive Covid-19 lockdowns, many believe WFH will deliver environmental sustainability benefits. Indeed, such dramatic changes in mobility, production, and consumption patterns compared to the 2019 peak temporarily reduced global CO2 emissions by 17% in April 2020. But what appeared to be a promising trend quickly faded: emissions are now almost back to pre-pandemic levels, though workers are not. In fact, Some research also shows that WFH does not have a clear environmental benefit. The net impact of sustainability depends on a variety of employee behaviors, from travel to energy use to digital devices and waste management. It also depends on a number of contextual factors such as housing construction and local infrastructure. For example, this shift to telecommuting creates new challenges for companies competing to publish ESG metrics such as their carbon footprint. How should remote work be viewed in relation to the company’s sustainability goals? What behaviors of WFH employees should companies be aware of? To understand the impact of WFH on sustainability, companies need to consider a range ofemployee behaviors related to the environment. Let’s highlight four areas of behavior that areparticularly important: energy, travel, technology, and waste. When aggregated acrossindividuals, teams, companies, and industries, behavioral changes across these domains canhave a significant impact on the environment. Energy ImprintThe effect of WFH on energy consumption is mixed together, and some studies have found a positive effect, while others show that it has a neutral or even negative effect on energy consumption. After all, this effect may be related to the personal characteristics of employees (eg understanding, attitude, family size, wealth), family infrastructure (such as energy level construction, suppliers), and even the factors of the situation (eg geographical location and seasons). Difference. When companies formulate telecommuting policies, such as subsidizing home energy bills, they must also consider the sustainability impact of residential energy emissions. Shipping imprintWhile WFH is undoubtedly an environmental benefit, commuting has decreased, but evidenceof rebound effects is emerging, including increased absenteeism and short-distance commuting.For example, in a sample of California workers who moved to WFH during the Covid-19pandemic, a decrease in vehicle miles traveled was accompanied by a 26% increase in theaverage number of trips. In addition to changes in commuting, changes in potential emissions from business-related travel in mixed environments such as events and conferences are alsosignificant. technological footprint From a personal footprint perspective, our digital behavior is interconnected. A study has shownthat a “typical business user” – albeit in the pre-Covid-19 period – generates 135 kilograms (298pounds) of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2 equivalent) per year when sending emails, theequivalent of 200 km. by car. Family car, close to Brussels to London. But today, the technicalneeds of the average business person have changed; less contact in the office can mean moretime spent communicating online. Equally problematic, a key short-term WFH policy adopted byseveral companies is to provide workers with laptops, even at the risk of the device beingduplicated. Waste footprintIn the UK, recycling increased during the first closure; this is consistent with previous researchshowing that employees use more sustainable waste disposal practices at home than at theoffice. WFH can therefore have a net positive effect on the environment of waste managementpractices, bearing in mind that the provision of local services such as waste sorting andrecycling bins is an important enabler. However, there is also a risk that the volume of electronicand electrical waste (e-waste) will increase – approximately 50 million tons worldwide each year,of which only 20% is officially recycled. How can companies make WFH more environmentally sustainable?Remote work creates new challenges for how best to observe and influence behaviors that areimportant for sustainability. An employee’s home is their private domain and organizations mustexercise caution not to overstep. At the same time, many workers would like help from theiremployers to ensure that their WFH system is both convenient and sustainable. Develop asustainability policy that creates additional benefits (such as environmental and financial) andensures that the organization can simultaneously promote employee well-being andperformance in order to achieve its sustainability goals. Organizational leaders concerned with reducing the environmental impact of their employees—and we believe all leaders should—can begin by developing WFH programs and policies with the following three considerations in mind. Embedding a culture of sustainability. To create an environmentally sustainable and climate-friendly culture, organizations mustensure that sustainability considerations are included in every business decision in allindustries, not just corporate social responsibility. This means first considering existing societalnorms and perceptions around remote (and internal) employee travel, technology, waste, andenergy emissions, and then developing ways to reduce these emissions by addressing howpeople interact with each of them. Practice. For example, What initiatives, tools, and techniques are in place to help (or stop) employees’green behavior at home? Is there a meeting policy that defaults to remote (rather than in-person) meetings? How do leaders and managers work with their teams, including remoteworkers, on existing sustainability practices and commitments? Managers can further help builda culture of sustainability by following existing environmental policies. Consider Ingvar Kamprad, founder of IKEA, who is often credited with bringing sustainability to the masses through hispushy business practices like not flying business class. As managers have to give speeches,they also have to allow employees to choose how they implement politics. This will allow you to support employees instead of monitoring and improving, instead of extending the trust and goodwill of the employees. Provide supportive policies.Reviewing existing policies is an important first step, but often not enough. To embed anenvironmentally sustainable culture, organizational

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