Does Working Environment Affect Productivity?

More than just design and aesthetics go into creating an effective office that enhances morale and increases productivity. Many elements influence how a workplace might hinder or support the health of employees, happiness, and ongoing efficiency.

Simple adjustments may make a huge effect. Employers, on the other hand, must be able to recognize difficulties in their workplace.

–        Improper Lighting:

Employee productivity can be harmed by intense or inadequate lighting to a greater extent than previously thought.

According to studies, 80 percent of computer users in Tech Startups were unsatisfied with their office lighting, and 70 percent of the employees regarded their workplace lighting to be unpleasant, according to a survey conducted.

Poor lighting, whether low or bright, can reduce production by reducing mood and ability to concentrate on activities. Minor changes can have a significant impact on employee satisfaction.

–        Office Area:

Working at an office can be associated with back pain and general discomfort, but this does not have to be the case. There are a few simple modifications you can make to your workplace to guarantee that your employees can thrive in a pleasant setting that does not leave them fatigued and hurting at the end of the day.

Adjustable desks are one of the simplest pieces of furniture to set up. Long periods of sitting are harmful to our joints and hearts in studies. Needless to say, the number of time people spend sitting at work may significantly increase their long periods of sitting.

–        Clutter at Workspace:

A crowded workplace may make people’s days a lot more difficult. More of the aforementioned productivity drainers, such as excessive noise, disturbances, and stress, can emerge from too many people working in too small a place.

According to studies, merely overhearing a coworker’s chat can result in a five to ten percent reduction in an employee’s capacity to do even the most basic of work-related duties.

Overcrowding is known to diminish productivity, but it can also result in harmful working conditions.

Summing Up

Asking your employees, whether one-on-one, in a meeting, or through an anonymous office survey, is the best approach to understand which of these issues may be hurting their productivity.

Employee productivity should not be harmed by a bad working environment.

 Give Kraft-Obench a call if you need some peace, solitude, or collaborative space.

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